So pretty! Jodhaa Akbar
As embarrassed as I am to admit it, and as quickly as I hope to remedy it, I know nothing about this time period. I took the filmmakers' disclaimer and just settled into this gorgeous movie and had a wonderful time watching it and following the probably oversimplified but very engaging story. And I hope to keep this correspondingly short: I enjoyed the movie very much and I thought everyone did a good job.*
A brief discussion of historical films: at some point I'll read up on the history, and I might change my mind about Jodhaa Akbar once I know what the real story is. Generally I don't appreciate people mucking about with true stories, which are very often are fascinating and instructive all on their own and don't need to be tweaked in order to make a compelling film - why not tell the story as it really happened? There are arguments to be made for taking real people or events and then doing something creative with them for other reasons, such as telling a story that has resonance with current audiences that the true story is too complex or rambling to tell efficiently, and in this case I don't have enough knowledge of the real story judge whether artistic license had any particular benefit. And for now, I'm happy to bask in the golden loveliness and not think too hard. I'll think later, but not just yet.
It is soooo pretty. Most overwhelmingly beautiful were the costumes and the locations...mindboggling lovely. The elephants! The fabrics! The weapons! And the ideas are beautiful too - religious tolerance! inclusivity! trust! And after all the sword-clashing and intrigue and punishments, justice and a true love of Hindustan prevail! Huzzah!
My favorite scenes: "Azeem-O-Shaan Shahenshah" (the only song I liked on its own before I saw the movie and also like most in context), with its cast of thousands "We Will Rock You"-ish stomp-stomp patriotism (and those huge drums! awesome!); Jalaluddin dancing with the Sufis; Jodhaa showing off her calligraphy and Jalaluddin's corresponding confession (which I hadn't seen coming at all); and their sword fight at Jodhaa's home. I don't know squat about sword fighting but I thought it rocked and I was delighted to see Aish swingin' her sword.

And OMG doesn't Sonu Sood look exactly like young Amitabh?!? Those deep, sleepy eyes, the big-ish nose....

* I have one little criticism: I got annoyed by a jarring musical theme that popped up whenever Hrithik was about to do something dramatic. To get technical, it was a major seventh (hear one here), played on a battle horn-sounding brass. It would have worked fine if it had been used judiciously. Oh, and I was all set to be miffed that Jalaluddin seems to notice Jodhaa when she's petting bunnies and cooking for him, but she notices him when he's sweaty and half-naked practicing with his sword. I mean, who wouldn't notice a half-naked Hrithik - but it bothered me a little that she was attractive when being domestic and docile and he was attractive being aggressive. But then I got over it as their relationship developed and became much more equitable and their attractions/affections more rich and nuanced.
Update to post (February 20, 2008): Sanket raises a point about the casting of Akbar that I can't stop thinking about. He also makes me wonder what one agrees to when one enters a movie theater - is your ticket a contract between you and the filmmaker (and cast, crew, theater owners etc.)? If so, what are its terms? Is it a promise that you will at least suspend your preconceptions or prejudices while the movie rolls? It certainly doesn't mean you have to turn off your brain (but you can if you want to; see above), but does it imply that you'll do your best to give the finished product a fair shake until you've consumed all that it offers? Hmmm....
A brief discussion of historical films: at some point I'll read up on the history, and I might change my mind about Jodhaa Akbar once I know what the real story is. Generally I don't appreciate people mucking about with true stories, which are very often are fascinating and instructive all on their own and don't need to be tweaked in order to make a compelling film - why not tell the story as it really happened? There are arguments to be made for taking real people or events and then doing something creative with them for other reasons, such as telling a story that has resonance with current audiences that the true story is too complex or rambling to tell efficiently, and in this case I don't have enough knowledge of the real story judge whether artistic license had any particular benefit. And for now, I'm happy to bask in the golden loveliness and not think too hard. I'll think later, but not just yet.
It is soooo pretty. Most overwhelmingly beautiful were the costumes and the locations...mindboggling lovely. The elephants! The fabrics! The weapons! And the ideas are beautiful too - religious tolerance! inclusivity! trust! And after all the sword-clashing and intrigue and punishments, justice and a true love of Hindustan prevail! Huzzah!
My favorite scenes: "Azeem-O-Shaan Shahenshah" (the only song I liked on its own before I saw the movie and also like most in context), with its cast of thousands "We Will Rock You"-ish stomp-stomp patriotism (and those huge drums! awesome!); Jalaluddin dancing with the Sufis; Jodhaa showing off her calligraphy and Jalaluddin's corresponding confession (which I hadn't seen coming at all); and their sword fight at Jodhaa's home. I don't know squat about sword fighting but I thought it rocked and I was delighted to see Aish swingin' her sword.

And OMG doesn't Sonu Sood look exactly like young Amitabh?!? Those deep, sleepy eyes, the big-ish nose....

* I have one little criticism: I got annoyed by a jarring musical theme that popped up whenever Hrithik was about to do something dramatic. To get technical, it was a major seventh (hear one here), played on a battle horn-sounding brass. It would have worked fine if it had been used judiciously. Oh, and I was all set to be miffed that Jalaluddin seems to notice Jodhaa when she's petting bunnies and cooking for him, but she notices him when he's sweaty and half-naked practicing with his sword. I mean, who wouldn't notice a half-naked Hrithik - but it bothered me a little that she was attractive when being domestic and docile and he was attractive being aggressive. But then I got over it as their relationship developed and became much more equitable and their attractions/affections more rich and nuanced.
Update to post (February 20, 2008): Sanket raises a point about the casting of Akbar that I can't stop thinking about. He also makes me wonder what one agrees to when one enters a movie theater - is your ticket a contract between you and the filmmaker (and cast, crew, theater owners etc.)? If so, what are its terms? Is it a promise that you will at least suspend your preconceptions or prejudices while the movie rolls? It certainly doesn't mean you have to turn off your brain (but you can if you want to; see above), but does it imply that you'll do your best to give the finished product a fair shake until you've consumed all that it offers? Hmmm....
Blue - (hee) SO heroic! SO determined! I can barely keep from swooning at the thought.
Banno - do tell what you thought of it! Thank you for the update on the Rajputs. I wonder who allowed the film to be shot in all those Rajput locations, then? I just learned that the Agra Fort was mostly a set (read for the dirt on that), so maybe some of those were too? But what about all those locations that were labeled as the kingdoms began to fall to the Mughals in the beginning? Hmmmm.
Re: her cooking and his aggression - I wasn't that bothered by it because I expect that at least is historically accurate. What did bother me was that she went to all that trouble of learning to fight with swords and when Aadham Khan bursts into the zenana to try and kill Akbar, all she does is hide in a corner and watch. Um, hello?
But still - SO pretty!
I'm so excited to see this film! I had planned to see it on opening day, but when I got to my local theater they crushed me by telling me they didn't receive the whole film(they only got the first half!) and so would not be showing it until later this week when the 2nd half arrived...What a bummer!
I'm glad you liked it, gives me something to look forward to this Friday! Btw, Sonu Sood does look like Amitabh! Freaky!
Agree with all your fave scenes, though I would add any of those wonderful montage scenes of all the different kingdoms. I loved the variety of the costumes, and I especially loved that one grumpy king who looked a bit like my uncle. (He shows up in Azeem-o-Shah Shehenshah.) Also agree that Azeem was my fave song before seeing the film, though I just loved how they used the romance theme (forget the title; kaise yeh ishq hai?) when Jodhaa and Akbar finally decide to get jiggy with it. What pageantry! What drama!
Oh yeah, and Kulbushan rocked. Loved when they were showing all the kings' responses to the Mughals and he's the one who goes, "Uhh, let me think about it."
You're probably right about the cooking. And yeah, why didn't she get to fight an actual enemy? Maybe she didn't have a sword handy when Aadham was running around?
Nida - grr! But at least they were up front instead of pretending they didn't realize it and making you sit through the first half with no conclusion!
ppcc - it's a freaky resemblance. And good call on the kingdom montage - I was all "woah slow down and let me grab my atlas!" In a good way.
beth: did you gasp dramatically at the clothing and jewellery? i know i did. i want one of those big beautiful rings. actually i'll have one of everything. damn it even bacchan lookalike wore pretty earrings.
GENIUS remark on Sawaariya. I'm actually in a meeting and should be listening to what's going on and had to work really hard not to go BWAHAHAHA out loud at your comment.
Your _Saawariya_ comment was truly inspired, Pri.
Anne - Bwaha! Fab!
Bollywood - it's good to be specific ;) Was it the sword practice scene?
Also, good call on Sonu looking like a young Amitabh! I didn't even think of that, but your photos are excellent proof.
I have to say, though, I disagree with you about "Azeem-O-Shaan Shahenshah" song. I thought it was an awful waste of good music. The choreography was too simple and very sloppy for being as simple as it was. Both Hrithik and Ais are fantastic dancers and they didn't do a lick of dancing in this film. It's a horrible waste in my opinion, and I wonder why the director made that choice.
However the scenes between them are very sweet and totally saved the movie.
I've seen so many good reviews of this film online, and was myself so excited about it coming out. Thus my profound disappointment when I finally did see it. I guess what I'm trying to say is I just don't get it.
The parts that I liked could have been boiled down to about 45 minutes. I saw the film twice because the first time there were no subtitles. Honestly, the subtitles didn't make that much of a difference.
The second time I saw the film, I would have gotten up and walked out after their love making scene because of the lack of anything interesting after it. The only thing that kept me there was my friend who was seeing it for the first time.
Actually I just watched parts of it again(research for something I'm making..) and it took my breath away again. I especially love the part when Jodhaa sings in her shrine, and Akbar leaves the council unexpectedly, entranced by the song, slowly walking over to her, and proceeds to fall in love at first sight with her. She really looked heart-stoppingly beautiful in this movie. I love how Akbar walks away with eyes completely glazed over.. Oh Hrithik.. Not the best actor yet, I grant you, but he can do subtle very, very well, which means there's potential to become better.
I'm such a fangirl, it's embarrassing. I think I should stop now.