a brief look at the face of evil, Khanna-ishtyle
After reading the most recent Khanna-o-Rama posts by Indie Quill and So They Dance, a thought occurred to me. It's not perfectly formed, but I just have to share it because I know you will all help refine it. It is, simply, that there might be something very profound going on in this family's oeuvre vis-à-vis the nature of evil as represented in Hindi cinema.
1970s villain:

Almost an automaton of evil: unflinchingly violent, ceaselessly lawless and selfish, no regard for the sanctity of family or the home. Sweaty, swarthy, blood-shot eyes.
2000s villain:
A) Desperate for wealth; attempts to get it by drinking too much, trying to kill his studlier brother, and scheming with a woman who toys with brother's affections.

Okay, that's pretty bad in Bollywood. Bhai-murder is a definite no-no.
B) Desperate for wealth; attempts to get it by scheming with his own lover through dance troupe machinations on a boat.

Khanna beta eventually loses out to Deol beta, aided by the turncoat female, in a sea-faring, spangly mirroring of Mera Gaon Mera Desh.
C) Commitment-phobe.

D) Hypochondriac who doesn't want to dance in public.

E) Fiscally pragmatic and not at all desperate for anything but just sensibly concerned for the long-term health of his town; respect and genuine fondness for his philosophical opponent.

F) Prefers jazz to classic Hindi film songs. Oh the horror!
1970s villain:

Almost an automaton of evil: unflinchingly violent, ceaselessly lawless and selfish, no regard for the sanctity of family or the home. Sweaty, swarthy, blood-shot eyes.
2000s villain:
A) Desperate for wealth; attempts to get it by drinking too much, trying to kill his studlier brother, and scheming with a woman who toys with brother's affections.

Okay, that's pretty bad in Bollywood. Bhai-murder is a definite no-no.
B) Desperate for wealth; attempts to get it by scheming with his own lover through dance troupe machinations on a boat.

Khanna beta eventually loses out to Deol beta, aided by the turncoat female, in a sea-faring, spangly mirroring of Mera Gaon Mera Desh.
C) Commitment-phobe.

D) Hypochondriac who doesn't want to dance in public.

E) Fiscally pragmatic and not at all desperate for anything but just sensibly concerned for the long-term health of his town; respect and genuine fondness for his philosophical opponent.

F) Prefers jazz to classic Hindi film songs. Oh the horror!

And I have to agree with Liz - Rahul is indeed the worst! He's the only type of Khanna villain I've ever dated. maybe I'd have better luck with murderers and dacoits.
All the best!
And I cant believe that everybody is dismissing Rahul as the most evil of the lot coz of his misplaced musical allegiance. The guy has lots of redeeming qualities: (a) he is hot, (b) he is cool, (c) he is handsome (d) go back to (a) again. Surely he can be redeemed from the evil path of jazz by repeated exposure to the good old filmi song? I'll even volunteer for the job - purely in the interests of reclaiming a villain for the greater good of society.
V - I don't love it overall, but there are some choice bits, and damnit if the final big show wasn't effective on my stony heart.
Amrita - Well...yeah, there's no real contest there. Even Vinod's bubble song is better than Akshaye's. Akshaye might win the "fiscally responsible non-villain villain" title though. That role is GREAT.
I don't think I've been involved with any metaphorical Khannas :(
bfc - IKR? Their offspring will prefer kittens to puppies! THE HORROR!
Nicki - Agreed :)
Pooja - Always an appropriate response.
bollyviewer - I personally think a love of jazz is okay. His real problem is that he's a snob, of course. I think there will be many, many people offering him 50s and 60s soundtracks.
veracious - HAHAHAHAHA "douchebro"!!!!! Brilliant! I think we need a film with the Khanna betas as villain bhai! Who could resist the eyes! All would cower in their presence!
East or West, Akshaye Khanna is the best as villain! The camera of today loves Akshaye Khanna the most! Periods!
I'd check the isp address on the comment above from "Anonymous" since then you will have access to Akshaye's isp! ;)
All the best,