Shashi Week 2010
It's that time of year again!

Starting Monday, March 15, I will do one Shashi-related post a day for a week in honor of his 72nd birthday (March 18). Like last year, any like-minded citizens of, or occasional visitors to, Shashi Pradesh are invited to join in with whatever Shashi-related projects strike their fancy! Special requests and creative challenges are also very welcome.

Starting Monday, March 15, I will do one Shashi-related post a day for a week in honor of his 72nd birthday (March 18). Like last year, any like-minded citizens of, or occasional visitors to, Shashi Pradesh are invited to join in with whatever Shashi-related projects strike their fancy! Special requests and creative challenges are also very welcome.
Creative challenge? How about writing an acceptance speech for his filmfare award - a speech that he wasnt able to give? One that references as many of his famous films as possible (except Deewar)?! ;-)
As for the speech: KYA IDEA HAI! You will have to provide me with translations of many of the titles, though. :) Maybe we should make it a joint project!
gebruss - yay!
avdi - Reading is what it's all about :) And clearly you make the world a Shashier place!
Shweta - Shashi Week is a HORRIBLE time of year for you! And this year we will lose an hour of sleep as we are gearing up. Bah!
Anarchavist - Me too! I bet you will be able to issue me an excellent challenge at the very least, which is no small thing.