My dil goes squish!
Awww! Shammi, Shashi, and Rekha at the Filmfare Awards!

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That was exactly what I needed to get my weekend off on the right foot. Happy Friday, everyone!

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That was exactly what I needed to get my weekend off on the right foot. Happy Friday, everyone!
I beleive Shammiji has been feeling rather unwell, and Rekha looks like a dream!
Really miss his days...Even Shammi
hope you are fine..
And here's the link to an interesting video I found of Shashi. I've never seen any of his old interview videos so this was such a treat!! Oh that face! Oh those eyelashes!! And oh that mesmerizing way of speaking!! Ahhh!
I hope you and other Shashi paglis revel in it...if you haven't already seen it that is! :)
Shweta - He really has - he looks so frail. :(
memsaab - Right? That's going to be you someday, I just know it. Like, the next time you go to India.
Strawberry - Agreed!
avdi - Ooh I hadn't heard that. I am very behind on anything that could be called "news," though. Maybe I'll find him in London when I am there this summer, then :)
Jugal - The Kapoors are just made of awesome through and through (except for the alcoholism, which they clearly need to get help for). I love how all of them look alike yet not exactly the same. Powerful genes!
eljay - Magic! :)
Sanjay - I heard :( I hope he gets better, whatever it is! I cannot believe he is only a few years older than my dad - he looks even older than Shammi. On the other hand, I was watching Sawaal earlier and am amazed at how Shashi manages to look younger than Randhir. Maybe he used up his life's quota of youthful looks early on? :)
Richa - YAY!!!! Glad you got to see it! I agree, hugs for Shashi are very necessary. Haven't seen the video - thank you for sharing!
I am eagerly awaiting Shashi Week!!
And thats an excellent thought about him having used up all his youthfulness early on - he does look older than his years now! :-(