Shashi Week: groovy, funkadelic, and superfly
Longer hair, toothier grin, harder-working eyebrows, bigger sunglasses, more shirt buttons undone. Flared-collar good-hearted heroes. The first volley of this Shashilicious style in my Shashi filmography is Bombay Talkie of 1970, with its off-set superstar fashions, and it peaked somewhere around the delusions-inspiring ideal boyfriend of 1977 in Doosra Aadmi or the jet-set playboy with a heart of gold in 1978's Trishul.

I like to think being born in 1974 - the year of the many fly ties and suave white suit of Roti Kapada aur Makaan - has proven to be extremely Shauspicious (Shausi+aupicious).

I like to think being born in 1974 - the year of the many fly ties and suave white suit of Roti Kapada aur Makaan - has proven to be extremely Shauspicious (Shausi+aupicious).
Thanks Beth - you have brightened my day.
Such a lovely treat to find when pottering around the internet over breakfast.
But thank Helen there's enough eye candy here to make up for it :D
bollyviewer - I think there's enough Shashi to go 'round, though I admit that it was 70s Shashi that first captured my heart (Do aur Do Paanch and Doosra Aadmi, specifically). Whatever vintage, it's alllll goooooood.
Gebruss - Isn't the chief virtue of 70s polyester that you don't have to iron it?
Katrin - What?!? More for me, then! He can do or un-do his buttons however he wants at my house.
I have some Shashi trivia: apparently he was offered one of the lead roles in Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam, but then dropped out at the last minute. When I read that, I just had to cluck my tongue and shake my head in disapproval, "Shashiiiii. What were you THINKING?!"