Helen: cures what ails ya
The inimitable Celi, co-founder of the (Somewhat Un)official Shashi Kapoor Fan Club on Facebook, sent me this link, and it has totally lifted my spirits as I languish on the sofa, home from work with allergies/sinus unhappiness.
I am by no means a Helen connoisseur, but this one is just so incredibly fun - and judging by the context at the beginning, she's not being overly objectified by the male gaze, gyrating while trapped in a bottle, etc., so this one feels a lot more joyful and free and less "overtly sexual women=bad or dangerous" than some of her other songs. I like anything from mod or go-go Bollywood, and this one is extra great because of the three wildly different and unrelated settings/costumes (even if one of them is objectionably fake-pretend Polynesian), the groovy moves, and the West Side Story-ish backup dancers. And surely only Helen could sell the line "demonstrate your talents to the world" while writhing on her back in a mini-skirt cowgirl outfit across a petal-strewn floor at the toes of a marching band.

If I had a green velvet hat and red spangled sweater, I would go put them on right now and practice my twisting.

Best advice ever, right Kaddele?
D0 consult Memsaab's enormously popular list of her favorite Helen songs for further inspiration.
I am by no means a Helen connoisseur, but this one is just so incredibly fun - and judging by the context at the beginning, she's not being overly objectified by the male gaze, gyrating while trapped in a bottle, etc., so this one feels a lot more joyful and free and less "overtly sexual women=bad or dangerous" than some of her other songs. I like anything from mod or go-go Bollywood, and this one is extra great because of the three wildly different and unrelated settings/costumes (even if one of them is objectionably fake-pretend Polynesian), the groovy moves, and the West Side Story-ish backup dancers. And surely only Helen could sell the line "demonstrate your talents to the world" while writhing on her back in a mini-skirt cowgirl outfit across a petal-strewn floor at the toes of a marching band.

If I had a green velvet hat and red spangled sweater, I would go put them on right now and practice my twisting.

Best advice ever, right Kaddele?
D0 consult Memsaab's enormously popular list of her favorite Helen songs for further inspiration.
And thanks for the plug ;-)
I so agree that Helen is a great cure! I've been stuck at home on crutches afte a Bollywood dance related injury at the weekend - who knew it was so dangerous?! To keep me company I have been watching lots of Helen and Shammi, and feel so much better already! I hadn't seen this one before - so thanks for helping me smile!
memsaab - It looked fantastic, but I was surprised to see what year it was made. I must watch!
That post of yours really needed no plugging, based on the humongous volume of comments :)
red 42- Bollywood related dance injury? Noooo! I hope at least you got paid for your troubles! It's only a matter of time before I injure myself dancing in my living room, though. I think Shammi and Helen are the perfect dance-related injury healers - who better to inspire sound physical abilities!
The Bolly List - Funny!
Hope you're feeling much more chipper !
ttfn :)
And happily much more chipper! :)