like a house on fire: superior interiors of the 70s
If you weren't already feeling like your wardrobe was tragically drab, now it's time to take a look around the room you're sitting in and bemoan its lack of wedding-cake stairs, gilded statues, and carpeted walls. But never fear! Keep reading to see how you can fab it up, 70s filmishtyle! Homes, offices, hotels, and nightclubs are all rich sources of design ideas.* Peruse the selections of inspirational decor below but be warned: these ideas are most definitely not approved by Martha Stewart.
grand rooms, architectural trim, arches, balconies, and stairs



wallpaper, wall art, doors, and windows



chairs, tables, and beds

textiles, shelves, sculptures, lamps, and bric-a-brac

...and of course you'll need a drink in your snazzy new bar!

* I didn't include many villain lairs because they form a separate project.
grand rooms, architectural trim, arches, balconies, and stairs



wallpaper, wall art, doors, and windows



chairs, tables, and beds

textiles, shelves, sculptures, lamps, and bric-a-brac

...and of course you'll need a drink in your snazzy new bar!

* I didn't include many villain lairs because they form a separate project.
Anirban - SO TRUE! How could I miss those! At least there's a full-on tiger :)
avdi - I wonder that too! The oval staircase with the gold pendant lamp REALLY intrigues me - I've seen it twice now, and I'm betting it was in a hotel, which I can only dream STILL STANDS :)
Rum - I KNOW! Please do consider a few walls of wild patterns and room for a sand pit :)
Gwenynen - Heehee, then my work here is done :)
I have decided that in my dream house, instead of a giant painting or mural on one wall, the way I'd always imagined it, I shall have a giant blow up of this post instead. Conversation piece!
Amrita - It damn is! There are many, many things Bollywood has given me (we really must write that list up), and a new fondness for the fashions of my childhood is a big one. EEEE I was so born at the right time, apparently.
I am only sad that the images in this post are not nearly high enough resolution to suit your wall-sized purposes, but on the other hand, extreme pixelization will just add to the WTF/acid trip feel, so I think that is RIGHT ON.
M - Really! That is so cool! It'd be so fun to try to put together a tour of those and any remaining locations/sets....