you know, it tastes Bollywoody
Okay, not really. But I am still delighted to have found this

at my local grocery store. Trolling Devon in Chicago turned up no celebrity-emblazoned packaging, but the IGA in walking distance from my house came through. Is SRK actually on Lux packaging or just in ads? Because I would love some SRK soap.
at my local grocery store. Trolling Devon in Chicago turned up no celebrity-emblazoned packaging, but the IGA in walking distance from my house came through. Is SRK actually on Lux packaging or just in ads? Because I would love some SRK soap.
TCP - I'm not in Chicago (I'm 2 hours south, in Champaign-Urbana), but I visit frequently. I'm so sorry to hear about your commute! Yuck! What did you think of the city?
Rachel in NS
There are plenty of people in my daily life that I hold dear for a variety of reasons, including their ideals. The movies are just for fun. You remember fun, right?
anonymous: You are completely entitled to your opinion, but then, so are we to our own idiosyncracies, including loving the on-screen avtaars of actors, without bothering about their off-screen escapades. We do it because we love doing it. I hope we have the right to these simple pleasures of life :-)