quick IIFA post: from twitter

I'll post picture with actual writing attached to them when I am home on Wednesday, but in the meantime, here are all my IIFA-related tweets. For those not familiar with twitter, the newest tweets appear at the top, so scroll to the bottom of this post and read up. You should also go have a look at Filmigirl's post on the awards show - her pictures are way better than mine and we agree on pretty much everything about the show. And if you're tired of IIFA (and I hear ya on that, believe me), there's a new episode of Masala Zindabad! It's part 2 of our series on iconic Hindi female characters with Bollyviewer of Old Is Gold.

Lots of jokes abt ppj who aren't here: Kareena, Rani, Ranbir. And now Anil on stage!


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