70s week boring administrative stuff
With more than 20 people participating, it's tricky to corral all the 70s goodness that's going on! I am tagging all of the posts I find/know of in del.icio.us here, which is a publicly accessible link that anyone can read. If you're on twitter and want to make your posts known, tweet a link to your 70s posts and use the #70sweek hashtag (which has the additional bonus of making all the tweeted 70s-related fun available by running a search for that tag like so). I will add to the del.icio.us location all the links I hear about via twitter, email...heck, if you have my number, you can even call me. I do hope to go trolling around to find links on my own throughout the week, but, you know, day job and all....
V Love Movies, who is a proper graphic designer in addition to running two swell blogs, has designed a badge for all to use! Groovy!
V Love Movies, who is a proper graphic designer in addition to running two swell blogs, has designed a badge for all to use! Groovy!

Thanks all for the fun.. now I'm going to go read all the posts.