the 2nd Annual (right?!?) Pan-European/International Bollywood Blogger Meetup

The Europeans are at it again. This year's mostly-German-language* Bollywood meetup is scheduled for Munich, March 7-9. I'm going to put the N(orth) A(merican) in "InternatioNAl" and I think others should join me. Chale chalo! All are invited, and, once you make it to Munich, there is a promise of help finding a cheap place to stay (someone's couch, a shared hotel room, etc.) - and a superwow time, of course. The weekend is being planned by Michael, Kaddele, Marco, Maini, Maria, and Babasko. They've already done a ton of work - and I already have very high expectations.
the preliminary schedule
- Friday, March 7th: meet in the afternoon to hang out, blog, chat, do silly stuff, eat, drink. One idea is to catch a Bollywood flick in a Munich cinema in the evening (which might be a problem, since Babasko et al. still have to convince one of the local distributors to play an Indian film, but I have faith they'll come up with something).
- Saturday, March 8: the "Big Day": Typical Bavarian "Weisswurst" breakfast in the morning (my vegetarianism is going on hold), watching (and liveblogging, for those so inclined) a movie during the afternoon, and in the evening the 5th Annual Central European Bollywood Awards (voting will start early February), leading straight to festivities.
- Sunday, March 9: another joint breakfast and then...well, that's it. (But I bet if we asked reeeeally nicely and didn't have planes until later, we could do some sight-seeing, beer-garden visiting, etc.)
The crew has intimated that they have a lot ("and I mean a whole lot," Babasko says) of surprises in store and that this year is going to be even bigger and better than last. I had such fun last year, and the more the merrier. What could be better than a get-together with like-minded souls? Movies are great, but it's people that really make life special.
To folks in my hemisphere, there is again rumbling of a North American meetup. If you're interested in attending or helping plan such a thing, let me know. Wagons ho!
* Fluency in German not required. Friendliness and willingness to be goofy definitely required.
- Nandini
All the Best!