The universe hates me.

I have never watched a single episode of Koffee with Karan - celebrity chat shows are just not my thing, nor is starting words with K when they're actually spelled with C - but I'm sure you can all understand why this week was the time to buck the trend. I went to a totally legal site and bought the episode - a bargain at $1.99 - hunky dory, yippee skippy, and not a single application that already exists on or that I can find to download for my dear Mrs. Peel, my trusty iBook G4, will play the @(*&)#$ wmv file.
>@(*&amp;)#$@<(*&!)#$@(*&)#$!!!! It has been a veeeery hard week and I was really looking forward to this as a treat. Sigh. Michael, Babsko, or any other Mac users, do you have any ideas? Quicktime, iTunes (I don't know if either of those is supposed to play wmv but I figured I'd try), Flip4Mac, and whatever version Windows Media Player is free for Macs do not work. I am ever so sad. (Speaking of which, how cool is this? Michael, you want I should make you one?)
It's freeware, and I use it for all my media-watching needs.
back to karan - i've only ever caught snatches of it.... there's something about the vast distance between him and his guests that disturbs me so much that i can't watch it!!!
they should be sitting close-by and all cosy...but the guests seem to be at the far end of the stage/studio... maybe it's changed now, but it was all rather stiff and bland when i last saw it...
*hungry and therefore in *blah* mood* ;o)
Your Mac is called Mrs Peel? lolz
alienvoord - she sure is! When I first got her, she was just so sleek and white like all the best vinyl catsuits, you know? And she can kick ass and take names and has a very dry sense of humor. Personally I have issues with using "Mrs." but I'm not going to argue with the most wonderful female television character ever.
Have you watched it yet?