Balle balle!

I wish I could remember what song was playing when this picture was taken. What's funny about this is that Rajan looks completely calm and collected, whereas I am pink-cheeked (shall we blame the stage lights or the Kingfisher?) and bewildered (but having a wonderful time), which is not at all a bad summary of much of the trip. Now, obviously this is not at all a flattering picture, but I'm postoing it because 1) maybe this will sate Michael and Babasko, who wanted footage of me dancing as an extra in a Bollywood-style number in a local independent film, and 2) it was a superwow evening that truly should be documented.
aur mehendi bhi! very very cool!
if you were trying to scare me away from our succeded. I know now I will loose. Ok. You can have Inder too.
Darn it! Must think of something to up that!
*slinks away muttering*
Now I'll have Balle Balle from Bride & Prejudice stuck in my head all day. Which is not a bad thing at all!