Perhaps starring a currently-on-holiday-in-the-states hero?

Graciously forwarded to to me by Si
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 16:00:27 +0000
Subject: [stationtheatre] Be a Bollywood Actor!

Hey all-
Mongoose Productions is currently working on several Bollywood style short films being shot in and around Champaign Urbana. June 11th we'll be filming a big dance finale on the quad and are looking for dancers and extras. The dances will be taught that afternoon and will be simple enough that anyone can do them. It's a hell of a lot of fun. Call for everyone is at 5:00pm, Sunday, June 11 on the south end of the Quad. Give me a call or email if you're interested so we know an approximate count. Bring your friends and family, we're looking for all ages. Dress: casual and comfortable, women in skirts, preferably ones that move well or flow, men please bring a button down shirt and an under or t-shirt. Dinner and copy will be provided.
Any wagers on precisely how excited I am?


That's just about it! You and I clearly understand each other.
Maja said…
Oh wow, that looks like so much fun! You're going, of course? Wish I could too! I'm a hopeless dancer, but I did just buy a nice long skirt ...
babasko said…
deriving from an assumed participation of myself, I´ll put my money with totally basmatic.

But to speak with Dr Bhalerao (from Bluffmaster!): You can do it, you can do it, youre King Kong!
Sarah said…
i actually go to school in chambana and would've liked to at least check it out, if not participate.

unfortunately, i'm stuck with a torture called employment...away from CU. hope you have fun (and maybe take some pix? *crosses fingers*)

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